How Useful Are Political Yard Signs


Unless you live under a rock, I’m sure you have seen more than a few political campaign signs. From a marketing standpoint, I truly believe these are an immense waste of time and effort. APD (Aaron’s Polling Data) suggest that approximately 0% of people have been persuaded to vote for someone because of these signs.  It should also be noted that 83% of people believe them to be annoying.

Seriously, what is on any of these signs that would persuade you to vote for the candidate listed? Can you picture the conversation?

Random Driver paying attention while driving: Hey Elmer! Look at that sign!

Person with weak sales resistance (aka Elmer): Oh wow!…looks like that guy has a name… He’s got my vote for sure now.

Political campaign yard signs do absolutely nothing to influence voters minds. Why are they there?  Because you want others to know what you like. It is ironic in a way, that a sign for someone else is used in such a egoistical way.  Admit it, you all know that not one single person will vote for Osama or Big Mac because you had a sign in your yard. You simply wanted others to know what you liked. That is pretty much their only use… Candidates could easily spend money and advertise in better ways, I think politicians know that people live to be selfish and letting then do so encourages a person to invest more in the candidate.

Here is an alternative idea for political yard signs and our electoral process… we should still put them out but then watch to see which signs dog’s pee on the least. This person would have to be the most logical choice for office. The odd part it is that might be too close to what happens already except after the election the voters get pissed on.

If you can think of any true uses for campaign yard signage then let me know.


photo credits:

*Less is More by authorwannabe

*Obama meet by serend_d


No signage on this page should be taken as a reflection of my political views. I am dedicated to Awesomeness, geekiness, humor and satire. While Politics is satirical, it quit being funny long ago and I would be hard pressed to find a single “Awesome” politician. If you are a politician…I hope you get gum stuck on your shoe… or something else like that. Thank you.